International Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics (ISMCR) 2019

The AIAA Houston Section is a proud technical sponsor of the 2019 International Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics (ISMCR).

The symposium will focus on various aspects of international research, applications and trends of robotic Innovations for the benefit of humanity, advanced human-robot systems and applied technologies, e.g. in the fields of robotics, telerobotics, simulator platforms and environment and mobile work machines as well as virtual reality/augmented reality and 3D modelling and simulation. The symposium will consist of keynote presentations on the state-of-the-art technology, workshops and topical panels. All papers will have peer review and will be published with IMEKO and IEEE Guidelines.

Call for Abstracts

Submit your abstracts at the ISMCR website.

See the call for abstracts (PDF) for additional information.

Abstracts submission deadline: 10th May 2019
Abstract acceptance to authors: 17th May 2019
Submission of full paper for review: 17th June 2019
Notification of paper acceptance: 15th July 2019
Submission of camera ready paper: 15th August 2019

All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, which will be available at the time of the conference. Presented papers will be recommended for publication in IEEE Xplore, Scopus and Web of Science (THOMSON REUTERS Conference Proceedings Citation Index). After the conference, the extended and enhanced versions of the selected paper will be considered for publication in the IMEKO Publication

ISMCR Early Registration Ends 8/15

The AIAA Houston Section is a proud technical sponsor of:
2019 International Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics (ISMCR)
September 19-21, 2019
University of Houston, Clear Lake

Please see the program (PDF) and consider registering today!

The deadline for early registration is this coming Thursday, August 15th.

About the Symposium:
The symposium will focus on various aspects of international research, applications and trends of robotic Innovations for the benefit of humanity, advanced human-robot systems and applied technologies, e.g. in the fields of robotics, telerobotics, simulator platforms and environment and mobile work machines as well as virtual reality/augmented reality and 3D modelling and simulation. The symposium will consist of keynote presentations on the state-of-the-art technology, workshops and topical panels. All papers will have peer review and will be published with IMEKO and IEEE Guidelines.

More information is available at

ISMCR Abstract Deadline Extended

ISMCR planning is well underway and we have received some very good abstracts from international authors. However, we have not received as many as we expected. To give more time to those who have not submitted their abstracts, we have EXTENDED the abstract submission date to May 10th.

See the call for abstracts (PDF) for additional information.

International Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics (ISMCR) Call for Abstracts

The AIAA Houston Section is a proud technical sponsor of the 2019 International Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics (ISMCR).

The symposium will focus on various aspects of international research, applications and trends of robotic Innovations for the benefit of humanity, advanced human-robot systems and applied technologies, e.g. in the fields of robotics, telerobotics, simulator platforms and environment and mobile work machines as well as virtual reality/augmented reality and 3D modelling and simulation. The symposium will consist of keynote presentations on the state-of-the-art technology, workshops and topical panels. All papers will have peer review and will be published with IMEKO and IEEE Guidelines.

Call for Abstracts
Submit your abstracts at the ISMCR website.

See the call for abstracts (PDF) for additional information.

Abstracts submission deadline: 19th April 2019